AVIF is a big network of people so when I first heard of FaceBook and got involved it made a massive difference to us all. Social networking can be harnessed to do good in many ways, here’s my Guru Beth Kanter with a few tips. Latest to hit my NewsFeed (despite its creation way back in 2001) is New Jersey based TouchGraph. This discovery comes at a really ace time of year, Christmas!

Touchgraph works through FaceBook to create a large (png. format) pictograph of the network that IS your friends & family.

Here’s a small version of mine. Click on it to link to the main picture on the AVIF website. The software utilises Java 1.5 to launch a browser on your pc after Adding the App from FaceBook. It then create stats of your network as well as the “powerful visualisation” of your “relationships between people, organisations and ideas“. I’m not sure at this point how it rates friends but it is great fun, especially at the time of year when people should be sending greetings and thinking about friends & family & others. As Touchgraph quote “the greatest insights can be achieved not by sifting, but by looking at the big picture to see how items are connected.

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