After months of pain and heartache, the german sponsors of the Virginia M Buena Centre (VMB) in the Rhondda slums of Nakuru are pulling out. They can no longer ensure control of finances they have already contributed to Phillip Ndeta’s “fund” so have ended the entire project.
All individual and corporate contributing sponsors are meeting on August 5th to prepare plans and schedules to get as many of the children housed or educated at VMB sent to boarding schools in another area of Nakuru, where they hope ANOTHER children’s village will be built.
Existing funds, luckily not lost to Phillip Ndeta yet, are sufficient to buy a plot, an international NGO is being established in Kenya “Live and Learn in Kenya International”.
A volunteer house is also planned so the children and community can benefit from your help 365 days a year.
I wish to congratulate the most courageous, bold, strongest and kindest lady I’ve never had the chance to meet personally yet, Debra “Brique” Zeiner, Director of LLK.