var rpic1; var rpic2; function revealgo() { rpic1 = revealpict; rpic1.filters.revealTrans.Apply(); = “visible”; rpic1.filters.revealTrans.Play(); setTimeout(‘doIt()’, 10000); } function doIt() { rpic2 = revealpict rpic2.filters.revealTrans.Apply(); = “hidden”; rpic2.filters.revealTrans.Play(); setTimeout(‘revealgo()’, 10000); } window.onload=revealgo <!– ScrollSpeed = 250; // milliseconds between scrolls ScrollChars = 4; // chars scrolled per time period function SetupTicker() { // add space to the left of the message msg = " ~~~ Stationery created by Donna Gail ~~~"; RunTicker();} function RunTicker() { window.setTimeout('RunTicker()',ScrollSpeed); window.status = msg; msg = msg.substring(ScrollChars) + msg.substring(0,ScrollChars);} SetupTicker();
Our Christmas Wishes to you all.
The UK’s HMRC (Her Majestys Revenue & Customs) has now granted us Exemption and accepts ABLe Volunteers International Fund (AVIF) as a charity for tax purposes, reference XR99385, with effect from September 2006.
All payments and donations now received from UK Tax Payers will be eligible for Gift Aid payments.
Rulings for Gift Aid are also available on our website
AVIF wishes everyone a most prosperous and productive 2007.
Merry Christmas !
