We’ve now joined Digg, Reddit, re-pinged with Technorati, been publicised by www.oneworld.net, been helped by Beth Kanter, Studio 501c, Podnosh and many more.
I try to use my Thunderbird (still trying to get to grips with it) Sent box to record all the daily occurrences made possible only by the internet but its hard to remember them all.
Brami just sent a HIGH FIVE by email .. I need to get her on Skype so I can send an emoticon backatcha .. she’s another virtual friend that I may never meet. Truth is I may never meet 90% of our volunteers but I’m a lover of photographs being the next best thing and they ply me with many .. of course I’ll make sure to load them onto Flickr now .. in fact I’m trying to figure out the Merge facility since “lucky me” Flickr and Yahoo just partnered up.
Its all going so well, thanks to everyone.