” Greetings from Kisumu!
The first time I have made it to an internet cafe!!!
So a short note of whats been happening…….
I spent a wonderful day at Ingrids Education Centre in Nairobi – where they have now 6 little iron classes – I was the first ever visitor there and was so enchanted with these little kids and the magnificent work that is being done. I was able to donate all the teachers text books (they hadnt a curriculum and were using books over 10 years old) so they were very happy! as you could imagine! I shall post photos on Facebook when I get to a cyber cafe again! They will be supplying me with lovely necklaces to try and sell on return – to find a desperately needed water tank.
…..and spent the day at Rabuor yesterday – wow – words dont describe the overwhelming joy to be back after 16 months – the little baby I held in my arms is now walking – ha but scared of my so pale face!!!!! hahahahaha They have already made one class and I think we’ll try to complete the other while I’m here. they are fantastic!!! I would like to also provide the desks at least for one class and the doors before I leave – so after a short break they will commence back to their new school!!! Yay – what a magnificent contribution from all of my friends – I must say I was so teary all day! Songs, a meal, lollies and gifts to me – lots of dancing and smiles………a real show! somehow the community has grown! It was amazing catching up with Tony – and the community really look at him as the shining light of hope – its just beautiful! The tree I planted has grown well! In many ways!!! The chickens I have been donating have been mulitplying well………..like things seem to do here
Love and smiles
We were also contacted via FaceBook from one of the Board Members of the Rabuor Village Project, based in Seattle, WA. We hope we can all work together as I don’t believe they even knew about Tony’s group.
The internet is helping to bring us all together but its a slow process.
Only NOW, whilst writing this blog did I find out that my Facebook contacts Bill (William) Lainsbury and Douglas Onkware were also on the Board of the Kenya Aid Appeals, supporting the Ingrid Education Centre. There’s a few more connections to make!