Marie has managed to email, here are her words:

Hello to all my beautiful friends and family! I had so forgotten the long slow internet process – err if working at all! I have tried several times to download pics for you all – but have not had any luck so far.
Time is flying! Kenya amazing, familiar, the colours the smiles the sadness and joy all together into the most amazing mix – Gosh I love it so very much. It is in my blood and comes alive with the music, people and way of life here in this magical country. Im so blessed.
I have been so very busy in Kenya …. I’m sorry that emails have been so very slow……Its just the way it is here.
Rabuor is doing really well – they are overwhelmed with the classes and cannot believe the laptops and books etc donated. I want to get back there to take some more pictures of the completed classes before I return. It has really made the widows and orphans have HOPE – and has given back some enthusiasm for life and the will to go on – such a desperate place – but now, with hope and a project they have been re-energised and truly believe that they have people that care and hope for their good future – they are working now to be free and empowered. I thank all of you who have helped me on all levels to fulfil my dream of making a little difference in this huge country – and giving hope to so many. Without it we are so doomed.
I have had some more local experiences – like staying with a friend Doreen – and her 3 kids – in one room all in a small bed together !! (so glad her husband and elder son were not there…. her baby of 2 1/2 didnt want to touch me as she thought I was too clean, and a little scared….very interesting with the bugs and cockroaches joining in as if there wasnt enough bodies already – woah…….we are so lucky!!!! They wanted me to stay for a week – er well….not this time – lol
I went to Mercy Home and wow – what a huge difference. [Photos from 2007 here].I spoke to Edward and gently told him of my concerns with our communication problems and yes, Alison you were right – the language barrier is the main problem. He together with the girls are doing such an amazing job. He was so thankful and also upset that I had had my thoughts of mis communication. The girls are part of the budgetting and planning and recording of finance and decision making. …Also all board members are kept up to date with all that is happening….I have so much to write on Mercy home, but I shall write much more sooon – with pictures. Know all is wonderful there – the girls really long for continued contact with past volunteers – even sms, now email – even though we know that they are in our hearts – they need to know that they are not forgotten.
….so I will end here for now…..
thank you again everyone for your love and support
Will talk soon
love you all –
from HOT steaming Africa
smiles and love – always
Technorati Tags: africa, volunteer, kenya, AVIF, Mercy Home, RABUOR