This is an excerpt from Jim Humbles newsletter. I have long been a supporter of chlorine dioxide and its good to see progress. I remain hopeful of establishing another clinic in Kenya.

“Since it was first offered to the general public in 2006, we have seen a steady increase in the use of my simple non toxic mineral solution for supporting the immune system, and it is now turning into an avalanche of users and gratifying stories of a full recovery to good health … There is a growing international MMS Grassroots Movement and I invite you to join with us to help expand this wave of MMS users and information.”

Functional practitioner Dr Brady Hurst explains more here …

Jim Humble discovered the simple mineral cure and decided to release it as an open source remedy and sell at a price that anyone can afford. The UK’s NHS did a deal in 2007 with Janssen-Cilag, insisting on paying only for patients who had success using J-C’s new drug, Velcade, after it failed the UK governments NICE new cost-effectiveness test. The drug was found to cost more than £30,000 per quality patient life year !!!!! ClO2, chlorine dioxide, or its marketing name “MMS” is available in kits costing £40 that last around 8 months using standard protocol. I’ll do the maths for you .. thats £5 a month, or approximately £26 “per quality patient life year”.

Jim Humble’s foundation earns money from his book sales, though he’s even given away the first hundred and fifty pages of his book for free! Jim just celebrated his 77th birthday in the African bush, where he has successfully treated over 500 HIV/AIDS patients since June 2009.

“In order to spread the knowledge and use of MMS around the world, we need to train more people in the basics by providing a background in the protocols, usage, manufacture, and chemistry”. The Jim Humble Foundation is buying a facility to house, train and produce product.
