Today started out with me thinking .. “its going to be one of those days” 🙁 .. wasps nests, dogs barking, pandemonium .. and then I sat down and opened my Inbox. Wow.
The Force is strong in today’s emails!
Firstly I’d like to thank those involved in offering us a “Better Net Award” from The UnLtd Millennium Awards Scheme which will help toward “Safeguarding” costs in the preparation of our Community Interest Company here in the UK, ultimately supporting AVIF’s development work.
Secondly, I must thank 2007’s fantastic volunteers; Nick Kempson, Charlie Wright and all those involved in fundraising for the Mercy Home Foundation. Alongside TRUCC and Vicki and KWAHO, who is supplementing the drilling, we are going to able to put in a well in at Mercy Home. This means the girls no longer have to get up early each morning to walk down to the river and then carry back the large, heavy containers of water each day. There is also the possibility to earn an income as a water supplier to their local community. This is just fabulous news.
In the meantime the hydrogeological survey is about to take place in Enkito to confirm costs involved in sinking a well in that community. After spending the Summer in the village, volunteers have confirmed water is still a big issue. Current piped-supplies of water are shared to taps around the whole area. The tap 10 minutes away only supplies on a Tuesday! Can you imagine having to collect water in containers, enough to last an entire community a whole week. Impossible. We hope to help. If you wish to contribute please do so via the Donation site top left of this page.
Many thanks to Shiv for these details and her fabulous photos are available here.
(Siobhan and our liaison Jackson in Amboseli National Park, Aug 2010)