I blame Toby Marks for this, having rediscovered his 1995 album Last Train to Lhasa written to highlight the atrocities [still] going on in the planet’s heart and soul, Tibet. The video is explicit in its content having been banned in the days before we invented social media and YouTube as it contains scenes of the violence and oppression ongoing. If you don’t want to open your eyes, just be inspired by an epic tune.
Due to ongoing conflict caused by China we’re having to start off our journey in Nepal and what better place than the Sarswati Peace School set up by inspirational polish mountaineer Ania Lichota and Subhash Ghimire after Ania’s summit of Everest in Spring 2010.

[On the summit of Everest]
The School’s intention is to “Nurture Young Dreams” using integrity, hard work and creativity. It will be an english speaking school that does not follow a “prescribed curriculum” but one that “documents personal narratives in writing, filmmaking and photography with strategies for success in local environments, embracing investigation of hidden resources, basic small business principles and stories to inspire and guide”.
The schools vision is to “not only produce doctors, pilots and lawyers but leaders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs and visionary people that will, one day, make all of us proud“. Their mission is to “..mobilize the smartest and the brightest Nepalese young graduates into teaching Nepal’s most unprivileged children in our quest to end educational divide…”

This young girl cannot go to school as she has to take care of her brother behind her. The young brother will be sent to school once he is four but the girl has to stay home. We need to change this too!
The school is located in Arupokhari, in Gorkha district, western Nepal.
The village is around 33Km (bus route) from the district headquarters (or about 9 hours walk). The village was deeply affected by civil war and its physical inaccessibility, coupled with deep-seated casteism hindered the overall development of the community. About 37% are Sudras, known disgracefully as “untouchables”, the very bottom of Nepalese caste hierarchy, which consists of: Brahmins, Chhetris, Vaisyas, and Sudras. Though caste discrimination has been illegal since 1990, Sudras are still banned from temples, water taps, and have to use separate utensils at tea-shops!
AVIF can help you visit the School and advise on travel into Tibet to experience both the beauty and mysticism of the countries, to “discover the deeper meaning to life than .. consumer culture” as well as helping to change the abhorrent realities of oppressive regimes!
For more information please Contact Us.
Facilities at the school include:
24-hour internet access
A small salary if you’re a recent graduate/ teacher ready to make a commitment of 3 months +
The school will welcome the first batch of 250 students in April 2011.