What an amazing weekend for everyone!  Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, bike racing at Brands and more chocolate.
We also received photos from the american sponsors of the girls at Mercy Home, from their recent trip, including a tearful moment when Leo was given a new laptop to help her in her studies. She’s recently not only graduated in business from MMUST University but  is now considering another degree course thanks to financial support from the US.

We’re also supporting Leo in her lead role as part of an ambitious plastics recycling company to both promote a healthy environment in the area & produce valuable building products for those unable to afford the luxury of brick buildings or even mud and stick huts. If you’d like to help online or onsite please get in touch.

The well has also been completed now – here’s Edward showing how much easier life is now. Prior to this the girls would wake at dawn, sing prayers then go down to the river to fetch barrels of water back – EVERY morning! Now they have more time to sing and read or cook and even play. doesn’t Ed look fab in pink!!
We’re next hoping to do the same bringing water to the maasai village of Enkito.
In the meantime, Stacey is now back in Shibanze, NW Kenya and has been joined by Wayne for a short time. Michael recently emailed to say how much he enjoyed their time in Naivasha and Gilgil and that he believed Wayne to be “one of the best volunteers ever”. Awwwww.
Asante sana <thank you very much> to every single one of our volunteers for ALL their time and effort and I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter break.