This video was made by meu amigo, Leo Chermont, in his studio. He wanted to record the power and the beauty of the people. As he says on the video “Trabalhar assim… nao tem coisa melhor” <With work like this there couldn’t be anything better>
Leo, in sunglasses in the video, is also accompanied by children and friends including surfer biologist Diogo “Santos” Lavareda. There are more videos from Leo on Algodoal; “a small fishing village on Ilha de Maiandeua, 180km northeast of Belém, Brazil, an attractive natural retreat with hard, windswept beaches and a sometimes turbulent sea”, Lonely Planet states; “The island’s name comes from an Indian word meaning ‘uncountable riches beneath the sea.’ Legend has it that an enchanted city is submerged off the island’s northern tip.”
Leo & Diogo are just another, in a long line, of reasons to visit Belem, Brazil with us.