Wisdom & comedy
Today starts a series of teachings by the His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and Buddhists around the world. He is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values…
Read MoreBridging the world
I am so stupidly excited. So much is going on that I don’t know where to start but the journey will take us right round the world. While the craziness ensues with KO2 rattling cages to effect change, much…
Read MoreBringing the lost generation back on track
Its been almost 4 years since 15 April 2008, when KO2 was incorporated as a Community Interest Company (CIC) to help support the work of AVIF. Mentored by a host of professionals from a wide variety of specialist fields,…
Read MoreWater water everywhere
I’ve had a wonderful catchup conversation with Helene Van Der Roest of www.takafrica.org, a Kenyan-based travel company that also runs a foundation. During a stay in the Netherlands, TAKAfrica have joined forces with the dutch organization FloFlo, brainchild of…
Read MoreIts not as bad as you think
Today Ray Kurzweil announced the launch of the Abundance Book which promotes the simple message that “we’re living during an incredible day and age” .. “the realization that the world is getting better at an accelerating rate“. Having just…
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