Almost there!!!!

Fantastic news, out of the blue. Since writing in February, I just heard from our amazing volunteers that they’ve almost managed to raise all the funds needed to put the XPRIZE-winning adiabatic water unit into Nkiito. The main adiabatic…

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Christmas CALENDARS 2011-12 from Enkito

On the plains that roll out from the foothills of Kilimanjaro lies a remote maasai village called Enkito. Last year our volunteers Petr, Shiv and Emma spent the Summer there. Waking up to this. In just over a week…

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The Amazon Life Changing & Life Supporting

Its so hard to know where to begin with this place. Belem & the islands of Brazil are intense, passionate, humble, beautiful, powerful ……. Its a place everyone needs to visit. With so many incredible experiences I have to…

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Amazon in the moonlight

This place is so amazing – apart from a hectic schedule its an incredible journey of new experience after new experience – the river – the children – the love – the crime – the emotional tears at classical…

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