Handmade craft from Kibera

We have lots of these wonderful cards (in the UK) now, if you’d like to buy some – either Christmas cards or every day note cards – 16 different designs on blue, green, red or white paper. All handmade…

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Extending a productive day

1 year ago, AVIF sent 8x Pro 300 solar lamps to Hamza. We knew Hamza from a previous volunteering project. Hamza was able to set up a small business buying and selling these solar lamps from SunKing, part of…

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Almost there!!!!

Fantastic news, out of the blue. Since writing in February, I just heard from our amazing volunteers that they’ve almost managed to raise all the funds needed to put the XPRIZE-winning adiabatic water unit into Nkiito. The main adiabatic…

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Out of thin air

The UK just witnessed the hottest February day on record. We hit over 20C, in Wales, even before the solstice. I’m sat in my garden thinking up this post right now, soaking up the sun that barely gets over…

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I wrote about “AI Crossover” some months ago after reading Jeff Clune’s paper. Since then we’ve had the Second Frontier Development Lab with NASA & the SETI Institute, which included Adam Cobb, a PhD student in Machine Learning at the…

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