Efficiency & sustainability

I do this work because it amazes me every day. It also stuns me and shakes me. A month ago my friend Jackson, our liaison at the maasai community of Nkiito had an accident. Actually the motorbike taxi driver…

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Its not as bad as you think

Today Ray Kurzweil announced the launch of the Abundance Book which promotes the simple message that “we’re living during an incredible day and age” .. “the realization that the world is getting better at an accelerating rate“. Having just…

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The world at our fingertips

The Uhundha Orphanage Centre Committee is now a fully registered CBO; Community Based Organisation, able to apply for funding and be audited and managed efficiently – thanks to AVIF’s own Bollywood movie star, Anupma Sud 😉 If this wasn’t…

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Love it when a plan comes together

I’ve just heard from Carolyn, working with ArrowWeb Hospital in Kayole, Nairobi that fundraising is progressing amazingly. Fundraising for hospital equipment to be shipped over, donated by Aid to Hospitals Worldwide is almost complete but this is just in time…

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