
Learn more about the natural environment protecting you. Thank You to donors for the recent funds sent to friends in Qaanaaq to help with growing costs of living from the lack of sea ice. It will be less than…

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Help needed in Greenland

This Christmas, please help our Greenlandic friends & their dogs. Due to climate change the sea ice has still not formed off the northwest coast of Qaanaaq which means the traditional sea-ice-fishing cannot take place. Community leaders are asking…

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Out of thin air

The UK just witnessed the hottest February day on record. We hit over 20C, in Wales, even before the solstice. I’m sat in my garden thinking up this post right now, soaking up the sun that barely gets over…

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Wisdom & comedy

Today starts a series of teachings by the His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and Buddhists around the world. He is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values…

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Work to be done

I’m sat in Abu Dhabi airport killing time the best way – being social. This trip has been incredible in so many ways but most importantly; socially. We’ve met with people from all walks of life – high-rollers, the…

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