WASH in Kibera

My good friend, Liz, runs the non-profit Sadili Oval Sports Academy, a safe haven on the edge of Kibera, Africa’s largest and poorest slum. Sadili is a Kiswahili term, meaning “well-being”. Liz’s blogpost is here and I’ve highlighted a few points. Several…

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Sustainability = Empowerment

What do you get when you stick volunteers into a Kenyan community school project ….. Family Fun Day !!!! I won’t reiterate Stacey’s own words but a few key words for you : Well project, HUGE success, prepared poems,…

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All working toward the same goal

I’m still buzzing from Englands amazing opening game against Wales last night in the RBS 6 Nations; winning 26:19. Still wondering which RBS person thought it would be a good idea to paint the RBS logo onto the grass and…

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